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Showing posts from June, 2018

WomanChrist: The 30th Anniversary Edition

A few weeks after my novel, Widow's Walk,  was released I was visiting with my neighbor, Cecile. She was c urious  about one of my first published books, WomanChrist, and asked if I had a copy. I did. It was a second-hand copy, rather battered, with a sticky-note inside the cover that read:   “Cheryl--yes, this book is Really weird! (I had no idea when I bought it 😊 ) But bear with it—she has a lot of good ideas about being a woman today while also being Religious. Hope you enjoy it— (it’s not just to skip around and browse through)!!” Cecile might get a laugh out of that, I thought. Her reaction after reading the book was, “This is your best book! It’s so current. How could you have written this all those years ago? It’s actually prophetic.” She was the first one who told me to republish it. It had been written on my very first computer, more like a glorified typewriter and neither DOS-based nor Windows-based. I had only the published book; if I intend